How Just Dial Make Money

How Just Dial Make Money?

If you have ever made use of Just Dial to get information about a product or service in your city, you must be wondering how this company generates revenues for itself. It heavily advertises on TV channels with none other than super star Amitabh Bacchan telling you how useful it is to dial and get information with this service.


Just Dial is India’s largest local search engine that disseminates information about businesses to people. People get the addresses and phone numbers of service providers through Just Dial and they can proceed to receive services from their preferred vendors. This seems to be a very good idea but how do Just Dial make money? There are several ways in which Just Dial makes money. Let us find out these ways.

How Just Dial Make Money?

  1. When you look up on the website of Just Dial searching for a particular product or service in your area, Just Dial provides you a list of vendors. You start with the company or service provider at the top of this list and then move downwards to try the remaining. Just Dial receives money from these companies with the highest amount form the companies that are listed at the top.
  2. Just Dial also makes money by giving out your contact details to companies. It does so on the basis of product or service that you had been looking for, and companies operating in your area are willing to pay money to Just Dial to get direct access to highly targeted group of customers. So the shops or companies calling you are probably the ones that pay Just Dial top receive your information.
  3. The company receives commission from restaurants that are listed on Just Dial. This commission is based upon the value of orders that these restaurants get through Just Dial.
  4. When you use the telephone number of Just Dial and ask for business dealing in product or service that you require, you are given address and contact numbers of companies that match your details. These companies get extra business through Just Dial and in lieu of this service, they willingly pay Just Dial.
  5. Just Dial receives around 1.6 million calls every day. The company keeps track of this information and sells it to interested parties. This data is of considerable importance for advertisers and marketers.

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These are some of the interesting ways in which Just Dial makes money. There may be many more that common people are not even aware of. If you can think of other ways that Just Dial uses to make money, please share them with us.


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