If you regretted the time when you were a kid, among other things, because you didn\’t learn another language then, don\’t be sorry.The fact is that the brain of an adult is much busier than that of a child. That’s why kids, up to a certain age, ‘suck in’ everything they hear.
Work, family, bills, and everything are always on your mind, so there\’s not much \’memory space\’ for a second or third language. And when you don\’t have too much time, learning is actually an extra effort for you.
The thing is in a good organization and choosing courses that follow your pace. The learning process also depends significantly on your motivation, self-confidence, and the reason you started learning this additional education. Sometimes it\’s out of curiosity, sometimes to add it to the CV, and sometimes it requires you to have a current job.
At the link below, find out why it\’s good to know several languages:
Improving linguistic skills can bechallenging for any individual, especially due to a factor of age and lack of self-confidence. Many hesitate to enrich their knowledge with another language because they think they can’t perceive and acquire new knowledge.
It\’s essential to understand that it\’s never too late to start. The acquisition of new knowledge should be understood as a challenge, not as an unbeatable obstacle. There are several ways you can make the learning process more efficient and acquire this skill faster.
Find the Teaching That Suits You
The first stepis to enroll in language classes and use podcasts and learning software. The course\’s quality and concept have a significant impact on the speed of acquisition of linguistic skills. Simply put, if the lessons have an exciting topic, and not just mere text, acquiring a new knowledge will be faster and permanent.
The convenience of the modern age is online teaching. It comes in handy if you are employed or studying, and don\’t have the time to physically attend linguistic school. You can choose the way you want to study – attend online classes, with a private tutor, or simply purchase a course that allows you to learn a new language independently. That will depend on your free-time and commitments.
For people who want to learn from the A1 level, language school (brick-and-mortar or online) is the right place. Yet, if you need to adopt new skill fast, due to work or going to study, a better solution is a stand-alone course or a private tutor, following your pace.
Get to Know the Culture
Knowing the culture of people who speak a particular language is, without a doubt, the best way to learn it. It means that you need to surround yourself with native speakers and their customs. That might be feasible in a multicultural region, but it can be a problem for people living in smaller environments.
Here you can take advantage of modern means of communication and social networks. Find a foreign forum or online discussion about something that interests you. Discuss with like-minded and non-like-minded people. No one knows or sees your identity, so don\’t be shy if you make a typo. Translation and grammar software can help you with that.
You can chat with strangers who are, for example, members of the same fan pages as you. A friendly native speaker is always a good way to improve your linguistic skills. You can make many friendships this way. And, who knows, maybe travel once to test your language skills on the spot.
Start with Commonly Used Words
Some words are used very often. They usually represent the base of most sentences, and this is the rule in all languages. You will hear these terms in any conversation, so pay special attention to them. Once you have adopted them, you will most likely be able to have some general conversation in the language you are learning.
These are mostly simple terms. Leave the learning of the more complicated and complex ones for later. That is a fundamental mistake that many beginners make. Setting yourself too high goals (in this case, adopting complex words at the very beginning) can significantly slow down your learning progress.
For example, memorize terms about time, weather, your family, job, and hobbies, sports, etc. These are all materials that can be a topic of any casual chat. Such conversations are the fastest way to perfect your language.
Pay Attention to Cognates
Many world languages have the same or similar origins. You can see that by cognates. These are words that soundthe same in different speaking areas. For example, in Spanish, there are a lot of words that are even the same as in English, only pronounced differently. On the other hand, it’s also similar to Italian and French, so that many words resemble each other.
Use the online search to find a list of cognates from the language you\’re learning with your mother tongue. Learn first those words that are close to you or related to a topic that interests you. Find websites where you can hear how these words are pronounced, and repeat that pronunciation until you perfect it.
Learn Out of Courses
After all, a critical factor in learning a language is to spend enough time surrounded by it. Besides knowledge from literature, learning \’street\’ language is a great way to gain polyglot skills faster. At first, you may be confused by different accents and how words sound in the real world, but they will get in your ears very soon.
Even after enrolling in a course and purchasing a range of learning aids, you must continue to invest enough time and effort in this skill. Whenever you have time, learn about a particular country, find exciting things, or study a word\’s etymology.
Science has proven that people remember some \’irrelevant\’ things better, such as exciting things than learning material. You can turn this to your benefit and learn a lot from this less important information.
Take a ‘Music Lesson’
You\’ve probably heard a song in the language you\’re learning many times by now. Music is a global thing, and it knows no boundaries. Many foreign songs are not only on charts in their countries of origin but all over the world. The best example of this is Spanish singers, whose songs are on the playlists of millions of people.
You may already have favorite songs in a foreign language. Who knows how many times you sang them without having any idea what the lyrics meant. Maybe it\’s time to find out. Find the lyrics and the translation on the Internet, and finally figure out what it\’s all about. You have probably remembered some terms and expressions, so you can finally sing the song with understanding.
There is no useful knowledge of the language without reading books. People who don\’t read on their mother tongue have poor expression ability. Learning a foreign language will be easier if you speak your mother tongue perfectly.
By reading, you will be able to see how sentences are composed and what the general expression is in a particular language. That can help you focus on specific words and structures and learn to use them in everyday speech.
Language professors from Language Throne School suggest their students choose the appropriate literature. When you read the topic you like, there\’s a higher chance of remembering it. In books, comics, or some other writing, you may find some new words that may not be intended for school or course learning.
By reading, you expand your vocabulary. Words will slowly turn into sentences and sentences into paragraphs. Soon, you’ll be able to engage in a casual chat with native speakers. If that’s not feasible, practice monologues in front of the mirror. That may sound strange, but looking at yourself while speaking in a foreign language is an excellent way of learning new terms and expressions.
Watch News
On the Internet, you can find news channels in the language you are learning. You might think this method is foolish because you won’t understand most of what you hear. Still, looking at what is being reported, you will understand what it is about.
This learning method allows you to adopt some expressions that nativespeakers use in casual conversations about current topics. Don\’t worry if this will be too much of a strain on your brain. You\’re not even aware of the limits of your learning memory.
Make Learning Unavoidable
You shouldn\’t think of acquiring any new knowledge as an obligation. Although your employer may have told you to learn a language, you do so not only for work but also for yourself. Even if you sometimes change jobs, this learned skill remains with you, not your former employer.
To speed up acquiring new verbal skills and \’force\’ yourself to devote to it, you must make language learning inevitable. If you know you can and don\’t have to follow lessons, you often won\’t even look at them.
But if you see the language on something you use daily, such as a computer or a telephone, you put yourself in a situation when you must know what all those words mean. Then you \’adjust\’ your brain to learn the termsand expressions faster to overcome these barriers.
Nonverbal Communication
Pay attention to words, gestures, and facial expressions when speaking words. In addition to the verbal side of language learning, the often neglected nonverbal side also plays an important role. While not vital to the training process, mastering the nonverbal aspect helps you reach an advanced proficiency level.
Some cultures have a particular gesture following some terms or expressions. In others, it is considered rude. That is why you must practice the aspect of non-verbal communication while learning about culture and language. If you ever find in a situation where your verbal skills are not enough, nonverbal ones will help.
Make Your Dictionary
Although the Internet allows you to have a dictionary and translation software with you at all times, it\’s not a way to learn a language quickly. Translation programs are often not 100% reliable, so you may hear or read something wrong.
A faster and more efficient method is to create your own dictionary. That\’s not a futile job, although pen and paper were beaten by the keyboard. Whenever you can, while listening to a song, watching TV shows, or hearing a random passer-by speak, write a word you heard in a notebook. It doesn\’t matter if you wrote it correctly; grammar learning comes later.
Writing a dictionary is an excellent way to quickly improve your linguistic skill. Handwriting recalls information much more efficiently than typing on a keyboard or touchscreen. When you write, you need more time than when you type. That\’s why writing involves more intense brain engagement, and information remains saved for a long time.
Speak Up
Languages classes start with people learning to read and write first. Verbal skills should come as the cherry on the top. That\’s a mistake; you don\’t have to wait to perfect your linguistic skills before speaking up. Speech accuracy is less important than the frequency of use. The more you talk, the less you make mistakes, and not the other way around.
When searching for language courses, always opt for those that give preference to speech rather than written expression. Don\’t be afraid to speak with the professor or other attendees. No one will blame you for your grammar or syntax mistakes. That way, you gain the confidence to cope in everyday situations. It is an excellent basis for further and more detailed learning of a new language.
Knowing the language is a real treasure because it is the knowledge that stays with you for a lifetime. Besides, it\’s a skill that is highly valued in the business world. In order to perfect the language knowledge, you need to set realistic goals for yourself and use methods of learning other than classical.
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